Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22nd. The theme for Earth Day 2021 is “Restore Our Earth” and is a call to action to citizens worldwide to be part of the solution in attaining a resilient planet. To commemorate the day, EARTHDAY.ORG will have its second Earth Day Live digital event, starting at 12 PM EST. Link here:
Workshops, panel discussions, and special performances will focus on the 2021 Theme and will cover natural processes, emerging green technologies, and innovative thinking that can restore the world’s ecosystems. Visit their website for more information.
In Africa, air pollution, improper waste management, deforestation, industrialization and urbanization, and illegal wildlife trafficking has lead to environmental degradation and climatic extreme events from floods, heatwaves, droughts, species endangerment, and deterioration of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. These crisis are threatening the availability of food, water and livelihoods of the people, species and ecosystems across the continent. People from all over Africa are being challenged to unite and establish Earth Day programs and campaigns that best suit the needs of their communities.
Likewise, we encourage you to join the Earth Day movement by doing some simple green acts, like turning off and unplugging items not in use, using eco-friendly house cleaners, or using re-usable water bottles.
Follow and tag us on IG at #travelafricamovement to let us know how you will help #RestoreTheEarth for #EarthDay2021.

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