Fun Facts:
1. It’s located in Central Africa and is the 25th largest country in Africa.
2. Its capital and 2nd largest city is Yaoundé. Douala is its largest city.
3. Cameroon’s current president, Paul Biya, has been in power for 38 years.
4. Major languages: French, English, Fulfulde, Ewondo
5. About 250 traditional languages are spoken in Cameroon and it is considered one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the world.
6. Major ethnic groups: Cameroon Highlanders (31%), Equatorial Bantu (19%), Kirdi (11%), Fulani (10%), Northwestern Bantu (8%), Eastern Nigritic (7%)
7. Major religions: Christianity (70%), Islam (20%), traditional religions (10%)
8. Cameroon is the only African country to have been colonized by three separate European countries. First it was a German colony, then later split into French Cameroon (80%) and British Cameroon (20%).
9. French Cameroon gained independence from France on January 1, 1960. On October 1, 1961, British Cameroon gained independence and the two joined to become a unified Cameroon. This date is an annual public holiday known as Unification Day.
10. The Cameroon slave trade served as an important supply zone for the export of African slaves to the Americas. Most slaves were captured from inland places and sold on the coast of Bimbia.
11. Cameroonian craftsmen are highly regarded for their crafts, which include sculpting, bead working, calabash carving and painting, embroidery, basket-weaving, bronze and brass working, leather working, and pottery.
12. Mount Cameroon is the highest point in the country (13,500 feet) and is popular with hikers, climbers and nature lovers.
13. Popular attractions in Yaounde include Limbe Botanic Garden, Benedictine Museum of Mont Febe, National Museum of Yaounde, the Reunification Monument and the Kribi.
14. Tourism is a growing but still relatively minor industry in Cameroon. Its natural features include beaches, deserts, mountains, rain forests, waterfalls, lakes and savannas. Wildlife and safaris are also popular, with Waza National Park being its largest wildlife reserve.

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