Fun Facts:
1. It’s located in West Africa and is the 29th largest African country.
2. The capital and largest city is Ougadougou (pronounced wa – gha – doo – goo).
3. It is landlocked and surrounded by six other countries.
4. It is the 5th largest gold producer in Africa. Despite its significant gold reserves, it’s one of the poorer countries on the continent.
5. Major languages: French (official), Mossi, Fula
6. Ethnicity/Race: Mossi (52%), Fulani (8%), Gurma (7%), Bobo (5%), Senufo (5%), Gurunsi (5%)
7. Major Religions: Islam (61%), Christianity (23%), Traditional African Religions (15%)
8. It gained independence from France in August 1960. During colonization, it was known as Upper Volta.
9. Burkina Faso means “the land of honest people”. Thomas Sankara, one of Africa’s most famous revolutionaries and the president from 1983 to 1987, gave the country its name in 1984.
10. Its citizens are known as Burkinabé.
11. There is a rich traditional art and music scene in Burkina Faso, with lots of handmade crafts for sale, as well as reggae, salsa, soukous and traditional orchestras and bands playing in both well-known and hidden venues.
12. Popular attractions in Ougadougou include the Ethnography Museum, National Museum, Snake Museum, Manega Museum, Loango Sculpture Park, Ziniare Wildlife Park, Grand Market, Artisinal Village, Grand Mosque, Cathedral, and the Moro-Naba ceremony at the Moro-Naba Palace at 6:00 am every Friday.
13. Tourism infrastructure is somewhat limited, but the real gems are found in the remote areas, outside of the cities: mudbrick mosques in Bani and Bobo-Dioulasso, hand painted village of Tiébélé, Sindou Peaks in Sindou, Karfiguéla Falls near Banfora, Loropeni Ruins, national parks and wildlife reserves, and of course, the people and culture. The Burkinabé are known for being friendly and welcoming.

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